mental states, military men, anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness, rigidityAbstract
The article presents the theoretical and empirical levels of mental state of military men. It presented the terms of positive and negative mental states in psychology. The main positive mental state of military men are the state of confidence, the state of readiness for activity, the state of restraint, volitional activity etc. The main negative state of military man are depressive trends, increased anxiety, and decreased self-esteem. The article presents the results of the psychological assessment, using to study the mental state of military men with the help of the self-assessment test of mental state by Hans Eysenck. According to the psychological assessment it is noted that military men tend to be confident in themselves and their forces, but they are not always ready to innovate and have problems with adaptation to these changes, trying to independently control the situation in life. It is established that the military men are dominated by the average level of manifestation of such psychological states as anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness and rigidity, which gives rise to certain peculiarities in the structure of personality and its functioning in society.
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