



classic dance, jumps, professional abilities, performance mastery


The performance culture of classic dance has evolved over generations, drawing on traditions and adapting to the demands of the time. Today, classic dance, with its vast array of expressive techniques and tools, serves as the foundation for the advancement of stage performance mastery and the creative potential of choreographers. The focus of this article lies in the realm of scientific research that addresses the theory and methodology of studying and teaching classic dance. The purpose of the work: to examine and characterize the fundamental components, subgroups and groups of jumps in classical dance, and to justify the methodology of their study and execution. By highlighting specific aspects of the researched topic, we employ various scientific methods: comprehensive, analytical, comparative, and generalizing, with regards to the development of physical qualities, professional skills and the formation of the performer's jumping technical proficiency. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the theoretical substantiation of the significance of allegro as one of the most expressive yet technically complex elements of classic dance. The authors focus on specific aspects of learning and performing basic jumps, starting from the simpler ones and progressing to more complex ones, drawing from their personal experience and contemporary methodology. The authors also focus on other topical issues related to the development of new, more effective techniques and methods of technical development of complex choreographic movements. In particular, they argue for the necessity of in-depth research into the biomechanics of jump execution and the problems of injuries during their performance. Practical significance of the study. The article addresses the creative mastery of the modern dance instructorchoreographer. It proposes the most effective pedagogical and methodological techniques for teaching jumping technique, which can be applied in the future professional activities of practicing choreographers. This will enable the nurturing of a professional dancer capable of performing complex forms of classic choreography.


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How to Cite

ЗАХАРЧУК, Н., & КІНДЕР, К. (2023). SPECIFICS OF FORMING RHYTHMIC PLASTICS IN CLASSIC DANCE JUMPS. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (4), 28–34. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2023-4-4