conducting activity, organizer of musical projects, conducting project activityAbstract
The article proposes an approach to the activity of the conductor in the context of the project paradigm, where the conductor acts not only as a musical interpreter, but also as an organizer of musical projects. The objective of the article is to substantiate the author’s definition of the concept of «conductor project activity» and to analyze its components. The methodology of the article is based on the use of historiographical, systemic, culturological, personal and technological approaches for the analysis and justification of conducting project activities. Through the analysis of the scientific sources, the key aspects where «conducting activity» acts as the basis for the implementation of musical projects have been established. The scientific novelty of the article is in the author’s attempt to define the concept of «conductor project activity», considering the prerequisites, causes and consequences of its occurrence, as well as researching modern opportunities for creating new musical dimensions in the cultural environment. The author characterizes conductors as leaders and creators of interpretations, and also argues for the transition from traditional conducting activity to conducting project activity. The author offers components of conducting project activity, such as: choosing an idea, developing a business plan, financial planning, advertising campaign, art management, forming a repertoire, organizing rehearsals, creative approach to the interpretation of musical works, intercultural dialogue and interactive conducting during a performance, taking into account aesthetic and cultural values. Conclusions. «Conducting project activity» is defined as an integrated project management activity that combines the concepts of project and conducting art with the aim of achieving strategic goals and effective use of resources. In this context, the conductor is considered as a person responsible for managing the project and providing it with the necessary direction.
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