



Ukrainian musical culture, church singing tradition, singing, liturgical singing, Thētas, melody, semantics


The article is devoted to the study of the Ukrainian Thētas of Octoēchos, which appear as a canonical element of the Octoēchos with its significant semantic and expressive meaning in the formation of the style of the Ukrainian Ecclesiastic Monody. The relevance of the problem is stipulated by the demand for a targeted study in musical medieval studies of the semantics of Thētas melodies, namely the chants of Thētas, which are widely represented in Ukrainian Heirmologia and are one of the main structural elements of Octoēchos melodics – the intonation core of the famous singing. Another factor of the relevance of the selected problem is the need to revitalize the tradition of Thētas singing in performing practice, which is generally indicated by the significant interest in the Ukrainian professional church singing tradition in our time. The purpose of the scientific article is to reveal the semantics of Thētas melodies in Octoēchos singing with Thētas chants in Ukrainian Heirmologia. The research uses an approach determined by the specifics of the church-singing (verbal-musical) tradition and Thētas as its element. The following methods have become fundamental in scientific research: search, music-source studies, semantic. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is stipulated by the comprehensive study of Ukrainian Thētas of Octoēchos: the semantics of Thētas melodies in relation to the figurative sphere and the subject matter of verbal texts of songs with Thētas were investigated, the main features of semantics were traced. The conclusions of the scientific article are related to the identification of the semantics of Thētas melodies in Octoēchos singing with Thētas chants in Ukrainian Heirmologia. The semantic content of Thētas is determined by the expression of the Higher images, dogmas of the creed, which testify to the verbal concepts embedded in the chants of Thētas. The involvement of fit in the chants of various genre groups («dogmatics», «bohorodychens» – sacred chant in honour of Virgin Mary, antiphons of degrees and irmos of canons, tropars) was revealed – on the one hand, and on the other hand, the common features of the musical stylistics of this form of eight-voice melismatics testify to overcoming the boundaries of genre groups, marking the semantic field of Thētas.


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How to Cite

ZINCHENKO В. (2023). OCTOĒCHOS SINGING WITH THĒTAS CHANTS IN UKRAINIAN HEIRMOLOGIA: THE SEMANTICS OF THĒTAS MELODIES. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (6), 16–24. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2023-6-3