jazz, creative city, musical urbanism, culture, creativity, jazz in Ukraine.Abstract
The article is devoted to the role of jazz in the formation of the modern urban environment, its creative nature, ability to stimulate creative and innovative processes, freedom, alternative models of thinking. The purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of musical urbanism using the example of jazz as a creative resource of a modern city. Methodology. The methodological ideas of the article are based on the ideas of modern urbanism, in particular, on the concept of the creative city of Ch. Landry and the theory of the creative class of R. Florida. The jazz environment is considered as a creative resource of the city, which contributes to creative diversity, freedom of self-expression and selfrealization in the modern metropolis. Jazz appears as an important background for the formation of subcultural values, protest moods, and innovative projects. Scientific novelty. Jazz is presented as a creative resource of the modern city, as an integral part of its acoustic design, as an important factor of musical urbanism, which involves worldview and aesthetic perception of various cultural traditions, their creative and free reinterpretation, alternative interpretation. Conclusions. Jazz is a marker of creative and innovative resource and creative class of the city. Jazz culture, thanks to its adaptive features, openness, welcome, tolerance, ability to create a dynamic balance of tradition and innovation, freedom of thought contributes to the formation of a progressive urban community. The city-creating role of jazz can be seen in its ability to activate significant transformations of urban everyday life, creative industries, event sphere, culture of life, aesthetic tastes, subcultural movements. Zazu, edelweiss, beatniks, hippies, domestic stylists who professed jazz aesthetics gave impetus to the pluralistic model of the city, changing the traditional ideology, expanding the cultural space, promoting a new cultural synthesis.
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