conductor, choreographer, conducting-choreographic collaborations, art projects, stage productionsAbstract
The article examines joint conducting-choreographic activity in stage productions. The objective of the research is to analyze conducting-choreographic collaborations in the performing arts and to highlight some aspects of interdisciplinary collaboration. The methodology of the research was cultural assets in creative activities, awareness of opportunities and subjective-typological characteristics of the conductor’s personality, involvement of effective technical innovations in artistic projects. The comparative analysis made it possible to compare various projects where the conductor and choreographer worked closely together, to identify general patterns and specific features of each of them. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that the analysis of the possibilities of cooperation of conductors and choreographers in stage productions is carried out, examples of ways of interaction between them are given, which expands the boundaries of traditional ideas of their roles and approaches in creating stage performances (joint work on rhythm, tempo, dynamics, visual aspects (projections, iteration, light effects), other elements of the performance). Examples of joint conducting-choreographic initiatives, which became innovative in their field, and which aspects of cooperation contributed to success in stage productions were considered. The influence of different cultural contexts on conducting-choreographic collaborations are argued and how different traditions and styles of music and dance interact in joint projects. Conclusions. Conducting-choreographic collaborations in stage art play a significant role in the development of modern performative forms. The collaboration between conductors and choreographers allows for the creation of multi-layered and rich performances where music and movement interact at a high level, making stage performances more engaging and memorable for the audience. This is an important direction of stage art that opens new horizons for creativity and perception.
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