anthropology; biography; the artist; European civilization; culture.Abstract
The article is dedicated to considering the specifics of interpreting humanistic statements of the epoch in the creative personality’s biography. The dominating toposes of European civilization have been revealed by the author and their productivity for constructing the contemporary artist’s existence, as well as overcoming the homo sapiens topical challenges, were justified. The research objective is to analyze anthropological views of different ages/centuries, to reveal the specifics of their implementation in the significant person’s biography, as well as to prove the remarkable dogmas of the preceding epochs being able to become the basis for shaping the master’s chronicle and to enhance the solution of current philantropic questions. The methodological basis of the research presupposes a complex of the following approaches: culture studies, systemic, comparative and analytical. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time ever, national arts studies are introduced by the thesis throwing light on the key humanistic fundamentals of world culture being explicated by the master’s chronicles. The conclusions confirm the following: the contemporary spiritual issue is a crisis; thus, it requires social structuring based on axiological background of the previous historical periods. The biography demonstrates a focus on the unique profile’s personal heritage. Ancient patterns reflect an image of an ideal personality reaching the harmonious combination of the intellectual, mental and corporal issues. The chronicles of the Middle Ages illustrate the Christianity-centric focus of an individual. The Renaissance patterns interpret the person as the Universe domain, the essense of which combines high moral qualities and physical perfection. The Enlightenment philosophy confirms the rational personality type, the chronicle witnessing the skill of taking responsibility for both personal and social being. The Romanticism interprets private existence and the character’s creative initiative, while the biography idealizes the images and reveals their inner intentions. Individual history of the Modernism facilitates the psychological and documental constituents. The Postmodernism issue suggests the variations of solving anthropological controversy of the epoch and understands the master as the embodiment of key ontological tendencies. The contemporary biography is free of dogmas; however, the suggested character combines the fundamental concepts of the past centuries being based on them and constructing a unique world concept able of solving the contradictions of a period.
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