
  • Vasyl FESYUK
  • Андрій КАПЛЮК




drainage system, environmental impact of drainage reclamation, environmental problems caused by drainage reclamation


The purpose of the article is to identify the factors of negative environmental impact of the drainage system and the possibilities limiting it. The methodology involves assessing the impact of the system on the structure of the land cover, soil degradation, development of unfavorable exogenous processes, pollution of surface runoff and increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Methods used: remote sensing, geographic modeling and forecasting and expert assessments. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the practical implementation of the methodology for assessing the environmental impact of one the typical drainage systems in Volyn Polissya (Kyzivska). Conclusions and prospects for research. The operation of the system and the irrational use of its land cause negative environmental consequences. One of them is the reduction the area of land actively used in agricultural production. In particular, the area of hayfields is decreasing due to their plowing, and the degradation of fodder lands due to excessive anthropogenic pressure. There is a loss of agricultural land as a result of soil degradation (deflation and pyrogenic degradation) and the development of unfavorable exogenous processes (flooding, rewetting, overgrowth of shrubs). Another important consequence is the pollution of surface runoff due to noncompliance with coastal protection zones. The operation of the drainage system leads to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. To improve the functioning of the system and increase environmental safety, it is necessary to implement: measures for the technical operation of the drainage system, agromeliorative, agrotechnical and land and water protection measures.


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How to Cite

ФЕСЮК, В., & КАПЛЮК, А. (2023). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF THE KYZIVSKA DRAINAGE SYSTEM. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (1), 56–62. https://doi.org/10.32782/pcsd-2023-1-7