


climate change, environmental safety, climate system, adaptation, environmental awareness


Changes are taking place in the climatic system of Zhytomyr, which hold implications for all aspects of life support. In recent times there have occurred events that can cause a number of negative effects for humanity as well as for the flora and fauna. Climate changes are intensified by the military actions on the territory of Ukraine. The war aftermaths will extend beyond Ukrainian borders to other nations across the globe. Incidents such as fires and explosions escalate greenhouse gas emissions, which serve as the primary catalyst of climate change. Concerning urban populations, it is noteworthy that climate change processes can be deplorable and will entail a series of changes resulting in irreversible ecosystems alterations. All changes affecting the natural environment have their consequences which can be either favorable or unfavorable. Unfortunately, whatever the positive consequences, the negative effects tend to prevail. Changes in living conditions trigger the emergence and development of adaptation processes in living organisms. However, in the presence of pathologies within an organism's ecosystem, it is possible for adaptive processes to be suppressed and lethal consequences to arise. Thus, it can be argued that most living organisms will not be able to survive adapting to new living conditions due to such negativism of impacts being pronounced in the near future. While Ukraine may not presently rank among the countries most vulnerable to climate change with regard to warming trends, climatic changes are still occurring albeit at a relatively slow rate according to current indicators. As human activity is the primary cause of climate change, alterations to the climate system that affect ecosystems are a direct result of human activity. Therefore, it is imperative that we promote ecological and conscious thinking in order to adopt habits that will be beneficial for the natural environment. By adhering to environmental awareness, we can effectively mitigate the issue of climate change.


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How to Cite

PATSEVA І., & KAHUKINA А. (2023). ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE CITY OF ZHYTOMYR. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (3), 66–72.