Solar photovoltaic panels, waste management operations, recycling, cement industryAbstract
The relevance of using solar energy in Ukraine and on a global scale is determined as an integral part of transitioning to renewable energy sources. The strategic course of the country towards the development of renewable energy contributed to the significant development of this sector until the onset of military actions. However, the war caused significant losses in the solar energy sector, including destruction and disabling a considerable portion of industrial and domestic solar power stations. This crisis situation led to the emergence of a large amount of waste from solar photovoltaic panels (PV), the management of which includes collection, restoration, and recycling as key aspects of effectively addressing this problem under the conditions of ongoing military conflict. The study focuses on the analysis of the formation and collection of waste from PVs, manufactured based on crystalline silicon, which plays a dominant role in the production of solar panels. A classification of panel waste generated during the period of military actions was conducted. It was determined that the negative impact on the environment of damaged and accumulated on the ground panels could cover large areas. General recommendations regarding primary operations for handling panel waste are provided. The research issue also includes the question of the absence in Ukraine of production capacities for the manufacturing of PVs and the infrastructure for processing PV waste. Several approaches to the use of glass waste from PVs in the cement industry are presented, which can contribute to solving the waste management problem and reducing the environmental burden in the region. The importance of such recycling of panels is determined by the possibility of reducing the use of mineral resources and reducing carbon dioxide emissions in cement production.
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