



hydrochemical analysis, evaluation of hydrochemical indicators, environmental management, river basin, Strypa River


Conducting a comprehensive assessment of hydrochemical indicators is a necessary step in the development of strategies for environmental management of water resources. Data from hydrochemical studies provide the opportunity to assess the scale of pollution, identify sources of contamination, and develop effective measures for the restoration and support of the ecologically sustainable state of water bodies. The aim of the study is to conduct a hydrochemical assessment of surface waters of the Strypa River in the context of environmental management in its basin. The research was carried out using methods of hydrochemical analysis, methods of generalization and systematization, analysis and synthesis, comparison, abstract-logical, and sequential methods. It was found that the average indicators of the content of pollutants such as ammonium nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, sulfates, and chlorides are within the norm and do not significantly impact the water. Also, the parameters such as BOD, dissolved oxygen, and suspended solids comply with the requirements. Substances such as petroleum products, chromium, copper, zinc, and lead were not detected in the river water. The results of the hydrochemical indicators evaluation in the Strypa River indicate low pollution levels due to human activities and the absence of deviations from quality standards. However, the discharge of treated water, even according to standard procedures, leads to significant deterioration of water quality in the river under contemporary conditions. This results in a sharp decline in water quality due to the loss of aerobic bacteria in the river flow, which play a key role in natural water purification. In this context, hydrochemical research is an essential component of basin environmental management, providing crucial information for effective monitoring, identifying sources of pollution, managing changes, and ensuring sustainable water resource utilization. The assessment of hydrochemical indicators serves as a key tool for preserving the ecological integrity of water basins and ensuring sustainable development.


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How to Cite

КАРАЇМ, О., КАРАЇМ, В., ЛАВРИНЮК, З., БОЯРИН, М., & ДЖАМ, О. (2023). EVALUATION OF HYDROCHEMICAL INDICATORS IN THE ASPECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN THE STRYPA RIVER BASIN. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (4), 49–56. https://doi.org/10.32782/pcsd-2023-4-6