biodiversity, ecological and geographical characteristics, fauna, flora, clear-cutting and selective sanitary fellingAbstract
Biodiversity is one of the most valuable natural resources to be protected, as it ensures the sustainability of ecosystems and the health of our planet. Zvirivske Forestry plays a key role in the conservation of this biodiversity through its activities in forestry and natural resource protection. The aim of this study is to conduct a detailed ecological characterisation of biodiversity on the territory of Zvirivske Forestry. The main factors in controlling the use of natural resources and conserving biodiversity include the characterisation of existing biodiversity and the impact of anthropogenic and other factors on biodiversity. Zvirivske forestry is located in Volyn region in Lutsk district. The administrative and organisational structure of the enterprise includes Zvirivske and Moshchanytsia forestries, with an area of 3504.2 and 4729.4 hectares. The study involved a biodiversity inventory, a process of compiling a list of biological objects in the area. This involves a detailed description of the geographical and environmental conditions of the location, preliminary identification of biological objects, their collection, cataloguing, followed by a control survey after a certain period of time, as well as analysis of information on the taxonomic status and ecological characteristics of these objects. The research was carried out in the period from 2023 to 2024. This is the first time that we have studied and systematised the biodiversity of Zvirivske Forestry. We used the Red Data Book of Ukraine (Flora, Fauna) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List categories and criteria to assess the status of various species. This approach allowed us to objectively classify species according to their level of extinction risk. The results of the study show that Zvirivske Forestry effectively and efficiently uses forest resources, contributing to the restoration of forest cover and maintaining biodiversity. This is achieved through management aimed at preserving natural ecosystems and their environmental sustainability. The general ecological and geographical characteristics of Zvirivske Forestry indicate that the enterprise plays an important role in biodiversity conservation. However, there is a potential risk of ecosystem disturbance and biodiversity loss due to uncontrolled forest activities.
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