conjugated polyaminoarenes, electrical conductivity, alloying agent, patterns of charge transport, EPR spectroscopy, conductivity parametersAbstract
The issue of charge transfer in thin layers of organic semiconductors based on conjugated polyaminoarenes (polyaniline and its derivatives), due to the presence of free charge carriers in their structure, determines wide application of these materials in the “high technology” fields, namely highly efficient electronic devices of the new generation: systems of recording and saving information flexible sensors, biosensors, supercapacitors, antistatic and antiradar coatings, solar cells, organic displays, environmental monitoring systems, food analysis, alternative energy sources. Conjugated polyaminoarenes, in particular polyaniline and its derivatives, have their own electronic conductivity and act as electrically conductive fillers in composites with polymer matrices of various structures. The electrical properties of conjugated polyaminoarenes based on polyaniline (PAn), poly-ortho-toluidine (PoTI), and polyanisidine (PoA) were studied. The influence of the structure of aminoarenes, the nature of doping agents (strong mineral acids), the degree of doping on the conductivity parameters, as well as the patterns of charge transport for conjugated polyaminoarenes, namely: PAn, PoTI, PoA, was studied. Based on the linear dependence of the specific conductivity of the studied samples in the temperature range of 293−403 K, the activation energy of charge transport in a given temperature range was calculated, depending on the nature of the polyaminoarene, which was εσ = 0.0660 ± 0.012 eV, εσ = 0.267 ± 0,015 eV, εσ = 0.32 ± 0.01 eV for PAn, PoTI, PoA, respectively. Using EPR spectroscopy at a temperature of 273 K, the effect of the nature of the substituents on the main parameters of the EPR spectra (g-factor value, line width, degree of signal asymmetry, spin density) was determined, which confirms the opinion of spin localization with charge redistribution for substituted polyaminarenes.
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