atmospheric air, pollutants, complex index of atmospheric pollution, observation posts, monitoring, formaldehyde, measurementAbstract
The article is devoted to the results of the study of the state of atmospheric air in the Zaporizhzhia city by measuring the content of pollutants at the stationary posts of the state system of atmospheric air monitoring. In the atmosphere of the Zaporizhzhia city, the concentrations of pollutants exceeds the average daily values of maximum permissible concentrations. Therefore, the aim of the work was to assess the state of atmospheric air in the Zaporizhia city for the period 2016–2024, in particular during quarantine and martial law. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set: to analyze the state of atmospheric air pollution in the Zaporizhzhia city, to calculate the complex index of atmospheric pollution, to determine the contribution of each of the main pollutants to the overall level of atmospheric pollution. The results of the state atmospheric air monitoring system in the Zaporizhzhia city were analyzed for the following substances: carbon oxide (II), dust, formaldehyde, phenol, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide (II), sulfur dioxide. The article calculated the complex index of atmospheric pollution, the highest level of which is observed at stations located in the city center in close proximity to the main industrial complex and reaches 8–1.2, which corresponds to a high level of pollution. The calculation of the ratio of average annual concentrations of pollutants to average daily maximum permissible concentrations indicates their constant excess for such substances as nitrogen dioxide, phenol and formaldehyde. Pollution dynamics reflect a decline during the pandemic and war, and a return to previous levels from 2023, when emissions increased due to the recovery of production and transportation. The obtained results indicate an insufficient number of observation posts, which complicates the effective determination of sources of pollution and the implementation of measures to improve the quality of atmospheric air.
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