gender competence, future education managers, general secondary education institutions, professional training, gender approach, educational environmentAbstract
The article examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of gender competence of future managers of general secondary education institutions in the context of modern socio-cultural changes. The essence of the concept of “gender competence” is clarified, which is defined as an integrated ability of a personality that combines knowledge, skills, value orientations and attitudes aimed at creating an equal and inclusive educational environment. The structure of gender competence is characterised, which includes cognitive, emotional, value and behavioural components that are interrelated and affect the effectiveness of the professional activity of managers in the field of education. The author substantiates the expediency of integrating a gender approach into educational programmes for training educational managers, which involves the introduction of specialised courses, trainings on the development of gender sensitivity, and the introduction of practice-oriented teaching methods. It is determined that the formation of gender competence of future managers requires a systematic approach that takes into account both theoretical training and practical activities, in particular the use of case methods, role-playing games, gender audit in the educational process. The article also presents the results of an empirical study aimed at determining the level of gender competence among students of pedagogical higher education institutions. The main difficulties faced by future managers in the process of acquiring gender competence are identified and ways to overcome them are outlined. Practical recommendations for improving the educational and methodological support for the professional training of future managers of general secondary education institutions are proposed, which will help to improve the quality of management and create a gendersensitive environment in educational institutions.
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