specialists in digital technologies, vocational educators, information competence, structural componentsAbstract
Digitisation and informatisation of the vocational education system as a response to the demand for specialists ready for continuous self-improvement and using modern digital technologies in professional activities has two key directions. The first direction is the equipping of vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions’ educational process with the necessary material-technical and software resources required for forming students’ skills to work with them in future professional activities and creating conditions for the active development of information competence of professionalpedagogical staff in the process of their professional training. It has been concluded that in the context of transformations, future specialists in digital technologies as vocational education teachers must simultaneously possess knowledge, skills, and abilities related to hardware and software components, digital skills (hard skills) and personal characteristics (soft skills). It has been established that the information competence of a vocational educator reflects the ability to effectively work with different types of information, information technologies, and resources and the ability to choose the optimal methods of their application in educational activities to achieve the best results in the educational process and improve student success. The structural components of the information competence of future specialists in digital technologies are motivational, cognitive, operational-activity, and reflexive components. It is generalised that the information competence of future specialists in digital technologies as vocational educators enables the implementation of the educational process based on modern electronic tools that intensify educational activities in harmonious combination with traditional teaching methods. However, the realisation of these plans is impossible without the joint efforts of the triad – higher education institutions, teachers, and students.
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