soil, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, potatoes, radiocaesium, zincAbstract
In this study we investigated the effect of foliar application of micronutrients with aqueous solutions of zinc, manganese and their chelated analogues as EDTA (zinc and manganese complexates) on the yield of Jelly potato cultivar. Growing potato plants were fertilized at different phases of plant growth and development. The research was carried out on soddy-medium podzolic gley sandy soils of Polissya region contaminated with radionuclides after the Chernobyl accident. It has been shown that the foliar fertilization of potato crops with EDTA solution at the first half of the growing season (leaf development) phase provides an increase in the yield of potato tubers on average over the years of study by 20%, and foliar fertilization in the main stem elongation phase increased the yield by about 40%. Spraying of potato crops with solutions of zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate in the main stem elongation phase increased the yield of tubers compared to the control treatment by about 14%. When potato crops were fertilized at the phase of flowering, a statistically significant increase in tuber yield (≈ 30%) was observed only in the case of manganese sulfate solution application. Foliar fertilization of potato crops with solutions of the studied elements in the fruit development phase of tubers did not affect the value of their yield. In the extremely dry 2015, the effect of foliar fertilization of potato crops with trace elements was negligible. When spraying crops with a solution of manganese, the yield of tubers of the experimental treatment increased by about 20% when fertilized in the phase of main stem elongation and flowering. Chelated forms of microelements (EDTA) increased the yield of tubers by about 40% when spraying crops in the phase of leaf development and main stem elongation, and by 20% when spraying in the fruit development phase. The generalization of the results shows that fertilization of potato crops grown on sod-medium-podzolic gley sandy soils of Polissya with solutions of zinc, manganese and their chelated forms (EDTA) increases the yield of potato tubers, although this effect seems to be dependent on the conditions. vegetation. Spraying of potato crops should be carried out in the first half of the growing season, namely in the main stem elongatio phase. Data obtained also indicate that there is no relationship between the concentration of studied trace elements in potato tubers and the uptake of cesium-137 by tubers, and the concentration of zinc and manganese in potato tubers as a result of fertilization usually decreases with decreasing yield, probably due to the “dilution” effect.
FAO Statistical Yearbook – World Food and Agriculture, 2020, Rome, Italy 366 p.
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