fluorine, fluorides, environmental pollution, technogenic influence, ion-selective potentiometryAbstract
Fluor plays an important role in bone mineralization and the tooth enamel formation in humans and animals. Fluor deficiency causes health problems, including dental caries, lack of tooth enamel formation and reduced bone mineralization, especially among children. Excessive fluor consumption can cause health problems that equally affect young and elderly people. High concentrations of fluor in the human body lead to metabolic disorders, skeletal or dental fluorosis, non-skeletal manifestations or combinations of these diseases. The frequency and severity of fluorosis depends on the fluor concentration in air, water or soil and the degree of their impact on organisms. The purpose of the research work is to establish the impact of chemical production on the fluorides content in the natural environment of Sumy. It was found that the main man-made source of fluor in the study area environment is the current production of phosphate fertilizers at PJSC “Sumykhimprom” that uses phosphorites with a high content of fluorine compounds as raw materials. Research methodology. There were used standard methods of soil and surface water sampling in the research work. The analysis of the fluoride content in the samples was performed by the ion-selective potentiometry. Scientific novelty. The results of targeted studies indicate an overpriced content of fluorides in both surface natural waters and Sumy soils compared to the maximum permissible content. The fluorides natural background content in the soils of the studied region is determined on the example of the Steppe Reserve “Mykhailivska Tsilina”. Conclusions. The low background content of fluorides in the soils of the region, its relatively high content in the soils and snow cover in the area adjoined to chemical production, indicates a significant contribution of the phosphate fertilizers industrial production to environmental pollution by fluor-containing compounds in Sumy.
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