air pollution, pollutants, air quality, air pollution indexAbstract
The relevance of the study is that the assessment of the level of pollution of the air basin of cities is necessary, as the health of the population depends on the quality of the atmosphere, especially in urban ecosystems. In cities, the main part of air pollutants come from mobile sources. In addition to motor transport in Odesa, the main stationary sources of pollution are big enterprises. The reasons for significant emissions into the air of Odesa are the increase in repair work on outdated and inefficient technological equipment and increase in the amount of natural gas used by enterprises. The purpose of the study is to assess the level of air pollution in the Odesa city for 2013-2019 on the basis of air pollution indices (API). Research methods: assessment of air quality in the study is based on the method of integrated assessment, which allows you to assess air quality in a particular area or city as a whole after studying one or more pollutants based on the calculation of complex indicators. Values of maximum permissible concentrations of toxic substances in atmospheric air are used as such standards. Conclusions: the study found that the values of air pollution indices meet the requirements for air quality only for such pollutants as carbon monoxide (according to API - moderate) and nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, soot, hydrogen fluoride (according to API - max). Formaldehyde and carbon monoxide were the major pollutants in terms of API - moderate and API - max, respectively. According to the complex indicator of air pollution, the maximum levels of air pollution in Odesa were observed in 2013 and 2017. In order to reduce the level of air pollution in Odesa, local authorities should focus on and promote the introduction of environmental technologies, equipment upgrades and installation of special facilities («cleaners») that significantly reduce emissions of these pollutants into the city's air from stationary air pollutants.
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