



methodology, indicators, indices, resource component, scale, ecological safety, threat, danger, risk


The article presents methodology of calculating the level of ecological safety of resource component that envisages the selection of the whole complex of indices representing it, their standardization by means of conversion into the scale from 0 to 1 using experimentally established dependency, classification of the region territories according to average arithmetical value out of some indices off resource components, definition of their ecological safety state according to the scale 1,0-0,6835 as safety, 0,6835-0,4851 as risk, 0,4851-0,1902 as threat, 0,1902-0 as danger. As for indicators, the state of ecological safety of the region territory is estimated according to the indices of resource component by the following categories: forest lands in Polissia zone 7 districts as safety; in Forest and Steppe zone 5 districts as safety, 3 as risk, 1 as threat; in the areas of pastures ant meadows in Polissia zone 6 districts as risk, 1 district as threat; in Forest and Steppe zone 4 districts as risk, 5 districts as threat. As for indicators destimulators, the state of ecological safety of the region is estimated by the following categories: emission of pollutants in Polissia zone 7 districts are as safety; in Forest and Steppe zone 5 districts are as safety, 2 as risk, 1 as threat, 1 as danger; the balance of humus is Polissia zone 2 districts are as safety, 2 as risk, 2 as threat, 1 as danger; in Forest and Steppe zone 6 districts are as safety, 3 as risk; ploughing up in Polissia zone 1 district is as safety, 1 as risk, 5 as threat; in Forest and Steppe zone 4 districts are as threat, 5 as danger; as for discrepancy of drinking water to sanitary chemical indices, in Polissia zone 2 districts are as risk, 2 as threat, 3 as danger; in Forest and Steppe zone 3 districts are as risk, 4 as threat, 1 as danger; as for discrepancy of microbiological indices standards, in Polissia zone 1 district is as safety, 3 as threat, 3 as danger; in Forest and Steppe zone 2 districts are as risk, 6 as threat, 1 as danger. As for integrated indices of ecological safety of resource component, it is ascertained that a predominent number of region territories are estimated according to the following categories: in Polissia zone 5 districts are as risk, 2 as threat, in Forest and Steppe zone 5 districts are as risk, 4 as threat.


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How to Cite

ПРИЩЕПА, А., & ВАРЖЕЛЬ, О. (2022). DIAGNOSTICS OF ECOLOGICAL SAFETY OF RIVNE REGION ACCORDING TO THE INDICES OF RESOURCE COMPONENT. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (1), 46–53. https://doi.org/10.32782/pcsd-2022-1-7