


integrated assessment, anthropogenic impact, environment, rationing, weights


Human activities have a very strong impact on the environment and this impact is increasing every year. The negative consequences of anthropogenic activity prevail over the positive ones, which leads to environmental degradation. At the same time, the impact on the environment is carried out indirectly, due to factors of air pollution, water resources, soils. Therefore, in addition to constant monitoring of the state of the environment, it is very important to control the amount of anthropogenic impact; monitor which components of the environment suffer from it the most; make appropriate administrative decisions. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for integrated assessment of anthropogenic impact on the environment. Methodology. The methodology is based on the European approach to environmental assessment, namely, the UNECE recommendations on environmental monitoring and assessment. The scientific novelty is to develop a set of environmental indicators that allows you to fully and reliably take into account the anthropogenic impact on the environment; mathematical apparatus for evaluation (the mechanism of ranking the components of the methodology, the calculation of the contribution of each component in the overall assessment). Conclusions. The methodology is developed in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and European legislation. It can be used to make correct management decisions, ranking the regions of Ukraine by the level of manmade load, informing the public about the quality of the environment in their region and in Ukraine as a whole. This will become especially relevant after the end of martial law in Ukraine, when the "peaceful" anthropogenic impacts on the environment will be compounded by the effects of ecosystem destruction caused by hostilities in certain areas.


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How to Cite

ЧЕРБА, О., & КВАСОВ, В. (2022). ASSESSMENT OF ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (1), 81–87.