nursing specialists, specialist training, professional training, nursingAbstract
The article considers the theoretical aspects of the problem of training nursing specialists for professional activity. The essence of the concepts "training", "training of specialists", "preparation for professional activity", "nursing", "nursing specialists" is revealed. It is concluded that the need to improve the quality of training of specialists in the medical field is determined by certain factors. They primarily include the peculiarities of medical and demographic processes and their predictive nature, morbidity and aging of the population, their way of life, as well as those arising from the general directions of reforming the health care system of Ukraine, in which the role, place of activity and functions of nurses acquire a qualitatively new content, in particular: priority development of primary health care, including on the basis of family medicine; expansion of inpatient substitute forms of treatment; formation of medical and social care institutions for chronically ill, disabled and elderly people, palliative medicine and hospices; activation of preventive activities; creating a sector of additional opportunities.It has been established that the role of nursing specialists is determined by their position and function in the health care system: independent – involves the actions performed by a nursing specialist on his own initiative as an independent specialist in the health care system, without the instructions and appointments of a doctor or other specialists : within the framework of the implementation of the nursing process; nurse teacher; nurseorganizer (coordinator, controller); a nurse engaged in research work; dependent – performed on the basis of written prescriptions of a doctor and under his supervision – a doctor's assistant; interdependent – involves the joint activity of a nursing specialist with a doctor and other specialists. The most important functions of nursing specialists are specified: providing constant monitoring of patients throughout life, highly qualified general, differentiated or intensive care for patients in the conditions of inpatient care for the population, development of new forms of outpatient care, providing dynamic patronage monitoring of patients at home, conducting rehabilitation and restorative treatment in specialized units or nursing units.
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