digital technologies, higher education, the European Union, transfer of technologies, digital transformation of educationAbstract
The article has analysed the issue of education digitalization and implementation of digital technologies into modern pedagogical practice in Ukraine and the European Union. It has been generalized that digitalization becomes one of key world tendencies of development of all levels of education and affects not just the change in the means of learning and the content of education, but also the form of organization of education and provision of the educational process. The purpose of article is the analysis of the European experience of transfer of digital educational technologies and identification of peculiarities of its implementation in the realities of modern Ukrainian higher education. Based on the generalization of the analysis of the experience of the implementation of digital educational technologies in some countries of the European Union, the factors influencing the process of the implementation of digital educational technologies in Ukraine have been singled out, in particular: the process of choosing digital educational products; the priority of tasks; the infrastructure and resources of the institution of higher education; the system of implementation and support; vocational study of lecturers; the corporative culture of stuff; the administration support; lecturers’ community role (their readiness for organization of educational process on the basis of educational digital products and instruments); understanding of goals of implementation of digital educational products into educational process. Based on the conducted comparative study of the European countries’ experience on the implementation of digital educational technologies, it became possible to formulate practical recommendations for the implementation of digital educational technologies for Ukrainian universities: the use of principle of «data economy» in digital format; combination on specific practical skills with fundamentality in the educational process; be guided by the key parameters of online courses while choosing forms of online education; diversification of the educational process with materials on various platforms (Coursera, edX, Udacity, DataCampetc), with the work of social networks and Internet services or different gadgets.
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