Requirements for execution

The editorial staff of Geographical Journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University accepts original manuscripts, which have not been published yet, elucidating topical issues of geographical science, incl. physical, social and recreational geography, tourism geography, regional geography and regional studies, geographic cartography, geoecology, etc. Papers can be in Ukrainian or EU official languages. Priority is given to English-language articles. The editorial board rejects articles that do not correspond to the journal’s scope and whose authors violate the relevant recommendations.

Volume: theoretical articles – 10‒17 pages (involving tables and supporting data), review articles – 6‒12 pages, information content and reviews – 3‒6 pages. Articles exceeding the mentioned volume are published only after prior agreement with the editorial board.

Article design: UDC index, full name of the author(s), scientific degree, academic rank, position, affiliation, e-mail, ORCID, title of the article, abstract, keywords (5-7) – in Ukrainian; name and surname of the author(s), affiliation, e-mail, ORCID, title of the article, abstract, keywords (5-7) - in English, main text of the article, references.

Abstract: in Ukrainian - at least 800 characters with spaces (not including authors' surnames, article title and keywords), in English – at least 1800 characters with spaces (not including authors' surnames, article title and keywords). If the article is not in Ukrainian or English, it is also submitted in the article language (800 characters with spaces). Requirements for an abstract: informative value (zero general words); content richness (representation of the main content of the article and research results); application of terminology characteristic of foreign specific texts; unity of terminology within the abstract; lack of repetition of information available in the article’s title. The English-language abstract is submitted following the requirements of scientometric bases as a structured summary; it must contain the following highlighted elements: purpose, methodology, scientific novelty, and conclusions.

Article structure: The following elements must be highlighted in the article: Research relevance; Recent research and publications; Research purpose and tasks; Methods and materials; Presentation of basic material with substantiation of findings (subheads are allowed); Conclusions; Novelty.

In-text citations are in square brackets, e.g., [3, p. 35; 8, p. 56-59]: the first number - the numerical number of the source in the reference list, the second - the corresponding page in the source; one source (with a page) is separated from another by a semicolon.

Bibliography completes the article and has alphabetical order in the source language. In making up the relevant list, please, adhere to the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and compilation rules”.

References. At the end of the article, the References list meeting APA (American Psychological Association) requirements is presented. To present Cyrillic sources (in Ukrainian, Bulgarian, etc.), they should be translated into English, and the publication language [in Ukrainian or in Bulgarian] is indicated in square brackets at the end. The numbering in Bibliography and References must be the same.

Tables, cartographic and illustrative materials are numbered and referred in the text. Tables, maps, figures, diagrams, and schemes must be included in the text using the "insert-object-Table of Figures” menu with center alignment and must have captions (at the bottom, in a separate paragraph, Times New Roman, bold, font size 14). Tables must have a title (a separate paragraph above the table).

All graphics must be computer generated and b&w or color in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Color photos, figures, diagrams and maps must be preliminary approved by the editorial staff. It is obligatory to submit separate files of maps, figures, graphs, and schemes in electronic form. Formulas are entered using the Microsoft Equation editor.



The article should have the doc extension (Microsoft Word, Times New Roman), 14 text size, line spacing – 1.5. Margins: upper– 2 cm, bottom– 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm. Pages are not numbered. Paragraph indention – 1.25 cm. Structural elements are put in bold. Illustrations, including maps, graphs, and charts, should be placed directly in the text and should also be submitted as separate JPEG files. Full justification without hyphens.

The editors anonymously review articles and check them for plagiarism. Articles are subject to checking for plagiarism using by the Polish company Following review, the editors make the final decision on the article’s publication. The author is informed about rejection. The article may be sent back for improvement. The author is also notified about approval and receives payment details.

The editors-author relations are regulated by the copyright transfer agreement. The submission of the article to editors (in any way) for its publication automatically means the consent of the author (s) to the terms of the License Agreement. Articles are published on a fee basis in accordance with the “Publication Agreement”.

Scholarly articles are assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) – universal hyperlink for searching publications in the electronic academic environment.

Authors provide information about themselves in Ukrainian and English: full name, academic rank and degree, affiliation, position, office and home postal address, telephone numbers, ORCID, e-mail.

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of facts, quotations, statistical data, formulas, bibliographic references, spelling of geographical names, and proper names.



Географія туризму та рекреації
УДК 338.48-6:615.8 (447.82) (043.5)


Леонід Ільїн
доктор географічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри туризму та готельного господарства, Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки, ORCІD:


Анотація. Не менше 1800 знаків з пробілами.
Ключові слова: туризм, рекреація, ресурси, оцінка, оптимізація, раціональне використання.


Abstract. Не менше 1800 знаків з пробілами.
Key words: tourism, recreation, resources, assessment, optimization, rational use.

Актуальність теми дослідження. [1, c. 88].
Стан вивчення питання з аналізом основних праць.
Мета та завдання дослідження.
Методи та матеріали дослідження.
Виклад основного матеріалу з обґрунтуванням отриманих наукових результатів.
Новизна дослідження.

Список використаних джерел:

1. Міщенко О. В. Водні джерела Волинської області в структурі сакрального ландшафту. Вісник Київ-ського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Серія : Географія. Вип. 3 (72). К. : ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2018. С. 88‒93. DOI:


1. Mishchenko, O. V. (2018). The springs of Volyn region in the structure of the sacred landscape [Vodni dzherela Volynskoi oblasti v strukturi sakralnoho landshaftu]. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Series: Geography, 3(72), 88‒93. [In Ukrainian].