


adolescents, prevention, risky behavior, social prevention, programs.


The importance of researching the problem of preventing risky behavior in the adolescent environment is determined by the complex socio-cultural conditions that influence adolescents' lifestyle and behavior in society, as well as the process of adapting to the social environment. The article discusses the issue of risky behavior in the adolescent environment, identifies key characteristics of risky behavior in adolescents, and discusses factors that may cause it. It is concerning that risky behavior and practices have become the norm for achieving certain goals among adolescents, and that the use of alcohol and drugs has become a certain value and a component of the lives of modern teenagers who frequently find themselves in dangerous situations involving risky actions. Adolescents face socioeconomic challenges, the consequences of political insecurity, the risk of becoming victims of human trafficking or sexual exploitation, easy access to alcohol and drugs, and membership in marginalized social groups that are excluded from public life. Electronic cigarette smoking and cyber activity are two other factors that currently cause risky behavior in adolescents. Adolescence is vulnerable to physiological and physical changes and is easily influenced by external stimuli, peer pressure, and the desire to experiment at a time when knowledge and life skills are just forming. It has been discovered that risky behavior is linked to adolescent age characteristics, cognitive attitudes toward risky behavior, and environmental characteristics.Adolescents face socioeconomic challenges, the consequences of political insecurity, the risk of becoming victims of human trafficking or sexual exploitation, easy access to alcohol and drugs, and membership in marginalized social groups that are excluded from public life. Electronic cigarette smoking and cyber activity are two other factors that currently cause risky behavior in adolescents. Adolescence is vulnerable to physiological and physical changes and is easily influenced by external stimuli, peer pressure, and the desire to experiment at a time when knowledge and life skills are just forming. It has been discovered that risky behavior is linked to adolescent age characteristics, cognitive attitudes toward risky behavior, and environmental characteristics.Attention is focused on the types of risky behavior: behavior that provokes trauma and violence, sexual behavior, relationships that lead to unplanned pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections, and the use of harmful substances that have a high risk of adverse consequences. Adolescents suffer from socio-economic problems, the consequences of political instability, the threat of becoming victims of human trafficking or sexual exploitation, easy access to alcohol and drugs, belonging to marginalized social groups that are excluded from public life. Factors that provoke risky behavior in adolescents today include e-cigarette smoking, cyber activity. The adolescent age is easily influenced by external stimuli, peer influences, and a desire to experiment at a time when knowledge and life skills are still forming and vulnerable to physiological and physical changes. It has been found that risky behavior is interrelated with the characteristics of adolescence, cognitive orientations toward risky behavior, and the characteristics of their environment. Attention is focused on types of risky behavior, including behavior that provokes injury and violence, sexual behavior, relationships that lead to unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections, harmful substance use that has a high risk of adverse consequences, behavior associated with tobacco use and unhealthy diets. Ways and directions of social prevention of risky behavior in adolescents have been identified, and approaches to selecting preventive technologies have been considered and characterized: informational, socio-preventive, socio-educational, and medical-biological. It is currently necessary to implement effective programs to prevent risky behavior among adolescents because they provide a positive impact on behavior by increasing motivation for a healthy lifestyle and providing adolescents with necessary knowledge and practical skills for safe behavior. An important characteristic of prevention is a focus on preventing and minimizing negative phenomena by eliminating the factors that cause them.


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