children, violence, non-governmental organizations, sexual violence.Abstract
At different times, many countries raised the issue of protecting children from sexual violence. In Ukraine, cases of various types of sexual violence against children, such as child trafficking, use of children in pornography and prostitution, sexual harassment and various other forms of sexual violence, have also been identified and some prevention and protection work has been carried out. Cases of sexual violence were identified both by law enforcement agencies and public organizations, which were approached by adults to protect children or by the children themselves. During the war, the topic of sexual violence became even more relevant, as children and teenagers now also suffer from russian aggressors. We also do not know the fate of more than 16,000 children who were taken to russia. Unfortunately, there is a possibility that children there face sexual violence During the war, the terminology of "conflict-related sexual violence" appeared and refers to specific or typical manifestations of the practice of rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution, forced pregnancy, forced sterilization and other forms of sexual violence against women, men, girls and boys. Non-governmental organizations actively work in many countries of the world to prevent sexual violence and with child victims. In Ukraine, during the war, the number of child victims of sexual violence increased, because in the territories that fell under occupation, they became not only witnesses, but also victims of rape, that is, victims in both cases. In this article, we will look at the role of public organizations in the fight against sexual violence against children, because they actively take care of this problem in the community, communities, state institutions, often they were advocates for the implementation of new laws and legal acts; but the preventive direction in the work of non-governmental organizations is one of the most developed, its implementation is ensured through educational programs for children and adults, creation and distribution of social advertising, and interactive classes.
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