social work, child with disabilities, family, interdisciplinary interaction, territorial communityAbstract
One of the main priorities of state policy is meeting the needs of families raising a child with a disability, creating conditions for its comprehensive development, because the family's needs for emotional support, unconditional love, and security are met. Scientists pay attention to the importance of the family as an environment for the life, development and upbringing of a child with a disability, because for him the family is the first and most important social environment. One of the main priorities of state policy is meeting the needs of families raising a child with a disability, creating conditions for its comprehensive development, because the family's needs for emotional support, unconditional love, and security are met. Scientists pay attention to the importance of the family as an environment for the life, development and upbringing of a child with a disability, because for him the family is the first and most important social environment. The article describes the problems of Ukrainian families raising a child with a disability and emphasizes the importance of comprehensive assistance to such families. The role of a social worker in solving the problems of families with children with disabilities is emphasized. An important condition for social work with such families is the organization and implementation of social rehabilitation, the development of an individual program for the social rehabilitation of a child with a disability, which will contribute to the expansion of the opportunities of both the family and the child. Such a program, with the active involvement of parents in the process, is developed by an interdisciplinary team.
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