children, species, domestic violence, violence, causesAbstract
The family plays an important role in the formation of an individual, in meeting his social needs, including moral support, security, protection from abuse, emotional comfort, recognition and acceptance by people important to the individual. Domestic violence is a social risk factor and leads to a deepening of social, psychological and moral disunity, mutual mistrust and hostility towards other family members, cruelty and brutality in communication with the closest environment. Unfortunately, there are no accurate statistics on the real manifestations of violence in the family, since it is the most hidden form of violence, which is usually not recognized by the victims and society in general. The relevance of the issue lies in the fact that there is a problem of detecting and countering domestic violence. This is due to the fact that victims of such crimes, as a rule, do not turn to law enforcement agencies, or look for ways to withdraw the submitted statement within the framework of criminal proceedings. The family hides the facts of domestic violence, guided by stereotypes that family issues should not be brought up for public discussion. In the article, the authors examine the types and forms of stereotypes of manifestations of domestic violence, reveal its causes. According to the authors, the main causes of domestic violence are: socio-cultural (regarding raising children, high level of alcohol and drug addiction of the population), personal (mental disorders, high level of aggressiveness, personal negative experience, low self-awareness). respect), economic (decrease in living standards, unemployment, social and household unsettledness). It is worth noting that the formation of violent relationships in the family is not limited to one factor, they are the result of a complex of violent relationships.
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