children, refugees, persons in need of temporary protection, socio-pedagogical support, children’s camp program, Czech Republic.Abstract
The problem of adaptation and integration of refugee children is currently one of the most urgent in the whole world. The organization of socio-pedagogical support for this group of recipients of social services is one of the most significant, especially at the initial stage of their adaptation. The article reveals the problems of refugee children. It has been determined that children who are forced to leave their homes, relatives and friends and go abroad face such problems as: psychological trauma, emotional stress, anxiety, panic attacks, irritability and/or aggressiveness, sleep problems, dissociation, and disruption of relationships. and difficulties in establishing a new circle of friends, language barrier, difficulties in adapting to new living conditions and studying abroad, double workload with distance learning in Ukraine, lack of full attention from parents and others. The authors of the article reveal the content of socio-pedagogical support for Ukrainian refugee children in the Czech Republic using the example of organizing and holding a children's day camp. The day camp program for Ukrainian children was developed with the aim of social integration of children to new living conditions in an unknown environment, improvement of psycho-emotional state, reduction of personal and situational anxiety level, acquisition of a sense of confidence and security, help in finding friends and implemented in the activities of the Family and Community of the «Chalupka» center (Rodinne a komunitni centrum Chaloupka).
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