social services, a person with a disability, social prevention, social support, difficult life circumstances.Abstract
The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on our land, the introduction of martial law in Ukraine became a huge challenge for the system. The essence of social services is that they are provided to people who are in trouble and cannot cope with it on their own. Damage, including psychological, material, physical, caused by war, hostilities, temporary occupation is one of the factors that negatively affects the life of a person, a family, especially a family where a person with a disability lives. The purpose of the article is to characterize the features of providing social services to people with disabilities. The article defines the actions and features of the provision of social services, which are aimed at preventing difficult life circumstances (social prevention), overcoming such circumstances (social support) or minimizing their negative consequences (social service) for individuals/families who are in them. The conditions, categories of persons with disabilities who can be provided with services and the procedure for organizing the provision of social services to persons with disabilities have been specified. The areas of work of social sector specialists to overcome difficult life circumstances related to disability are determined, which are aimed at improving the quality of life and health of people with disabilities, development of people with disabilities in various spheres of life, normalization of the functioning of the family in which a person with a disability lives.
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