physical, mental, spiritual, social health, health-preserving, vital, communicative, legal, social competence of children, technology of personality social education.Abstract
The article defines the essence, structure, content, stages of health-preserving competence formation, features of social education technology «Learning to Live Together» for children of primary school age, adolescents, youth are substantiated: 1) purposeful; 2) modular; 3) group; 4) interactive. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the object, subject, purpose, task, structure, content, forms, methods, duration and conditions of effective implementation of children social education technology «Learning to Live Together». The object of the technology is children of primary school age, adolescents and youth. The subjects of technology implementation are social pedagogues, teachers of general secondary education institutions, specialists in social work. The technology’s goal and task are to develop and form an integrated set of children competencies (health-preserving, vital, communicative, legal and social) of primary school age, adolescents and youth. The structure and content of the technology consist of five modules: 1) «Human health»; 2) «Physical component of health»; 3) «Mental component of health»; 4) «Spiritual component of health»; 5) «Social component of health». Forms of technology implementation – training, training sessions. Methods of technology implementation: conversation, interactive presentation, informative message, video demonstration, brainstorming, discussion, debate, exercise method, group work, case method, projective drawing. The duration of the technology implementation involves conducting training classes throughout the year: 1) 28 hours for students of 1–4 grades (children of primary school age); 2) 38 hours for students of 5–9 grades (adolescents); 3) 5 hours for students of 10 (11) grades (youth). The article defines eight conditions for the effective implementation of children social education technology «Learning to Live Together».
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