digital social and pedagogical technologies, cybercrime prevention against children, local mobile application, internetAbstract
The purpose of the work is to characterize the domestic experience of cybercrime prevention against children by means of digital socio-pedagogical technologies. Methodology: the methodological basis of the study is the neo-positivist paradigm of social work in combination with a critical analysis of the contexts of the subject. Theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification) were used to clarify the content of the basic concepts of the study; study of the leading threats from information and communication technologies in the context of increasing the potential impact of existing forms of violence, abuse and exploitation of children; substantiation of the socio-pedagogical content of the problem of children's safety on the Internet; characteristics of the classification of socio-pedagogical technologies for securing children on the Internet in accordance with the media and methods of information transfer; formulation of conclusions and prospects of research. Empirical methods (focus group surveys, expert assessments) were used to determine the benefits and risks inherent in the presented in the article domestic digital socio-pedagogical technologies for the prevention of cybercrime against children. Scientific novelty: for the first time the domestic experience of social and pedagogical prevention of cybercrime against children by means of digital technologies is revealed; A number of digital technologies of social and pedagogical prevention of cybercrime against children are characterized: Chatbot «Cyber-dog», Interactive course on Internet security «On-land», videos «Rules on Internet security for home», site stop_sexting, all-Ukrainian online test Safe «TikTok». The content, structure and methodology of the author's local mobile application «Champions of Cyber Security» developed within the project «Aware and Protected», implemented in Sumy region by the NGO «League of Modern Women» from December 2020 to June 2021 with the support of the Department of Law Enforcement issues of the US Embassy in Ukraine. Conclusions: the advantages and risks inherent in the presented digital socio-pedagogical technologies for the prevention of cybercrime against children are identified. Some practical recommendations for increasing the degree of interactivity and content variability of domestic digital technologies for the prevention of cybercrime against children are offered, which will help increase their effectiveness.
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