legal culture, orphans, children deprived of parental care, legal education, legal education, legal awarenessAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the legal culture of orphans and children deprived of parental care as a sphere of freedom and building a democratic state. The article raises the issue of forming the legal culture of children of this category, their level of responsibility and legal awareness. The need for the formation of legal culture is analyzed, the main tasks, goals and means of legal education of children are identified as conditions for raising the level of legal awareness of orphans and children deprived of parental care. Legal culture constantly interacts with legal education and with the intellectual development of the individual, which consists in obtaining legal knowledge and knowledge about society. Coverage of the issue raised in the article involves educating children in a sense of respect for the rule of law, belief in the need for their implementation and instilling the skills of lawful behavior in the future. At present, the issues related to the formation of the legal culture of orphans and children deprived of parental care remain unexplored and therefore require more detailed study and analysis. Given the choice of the course of European integration by the Ukrainian democratic society, the formation of legal thinking, education of legal culture, development of a sense of responsibility, justice, and respect for the law acquires special significance. The content of the article is aimed at forming the legal culture of children as a vulnerable category of the population of Ukraine, taking into account the peculiarities of Ukrainian legislation in terms of regulation of rights and responsibilities, taking into account the main institutions of socialization.
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