domestic violence, gender violence, gender-based violence, women violence survivors, non-governmental organizations, charitable organizations, social support, social care, social servicesAbstract
In Ukraine, there are numerous evidence that the number of cases of domestic violence has increased during the lockdown and self-isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. And they are supported by reports of the National Police of Ukraine, referred to by the article authors. Analysis revealed that cases of physical violence against women by husbands or intimate partners, violence by parents against their children, and physical violence or psychological violence by adult children against their elderly parents predominate. During the pandemic, Ukraine faced drastic, socially risky changes. Firstly, the COVID-19 pandemic, which negatively impacted economic and social indicators, and secondly, decentralization, which changed work approaches for local authorities, and innovations always cause uncertainty and fear. In this context, all social actors influenced the strategy to address the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly on issues of domestic violence and gender-based violence response. In this regard, the role of non-governmental and charitable organizations in combating domestic violence in Ukraine has increased. The essential services included legal aid, social, psychological, and medical assistance, assistance in solving problems with children, and counseling. Other types of support included: referral to crisis rooms or shelters, consultations, individual and group work with a psychologist, organization of consultations with general physicians or other doctors; referral to healthcare centers, legal advice, primary legal aid (consulting, drafting of documents), secondary legal assistance (legal support in court), case management, etc. Counseling services for domestic violence survivors were provided face-to-face, by phone, and online (through online chatbots and social media channels such as Viber, WhatsApp, and Telegram). During consultations, informational, legal, and psychological services were provided. The article authors analyzed the experience of non-governmental and charitable organizations in Ukraine providing support to domestic violence survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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