manipulation, communication, informational influence, technologies of informational influence, tools of manipulation, socio-pedagogical activity, social work, specialist in the social sphere, informational culture.Abstract
The article discusses modern approaches to defining the concepts of manipulation. A theoretical analysis of the definition of the concept of research from the point of view of psychological, pedagogical and sociological fields of knowledge was carried out. In particular, such concepts as: manipulation in a broad sense, psychological manipulation, manipulation of social consciousness, social influence, subject of manipulation, manipulation tools are revealed. It was established that the manipulative influence on the personality can have both a positive, in the context of suggesting positive patterns of behavior, and a destructive influence. Based on the theoretical analysis, it was determined that the technologies of information influence, as a tool of sociopedagogical activity, can contribute to the formation and comprehensive development of the individual, as well as contribute to the availability and quality of social services. The role of social networks as an institution of personality socialization is revealed. It was determined that social networks influence the formation of the social environment of an individual. The risks and threats of manipulation and information influence on the individual in the conditions of war as a mechanism of "information war" are defined and characterized. The definition of the concept of "influence" as the process and result of an individual's change in the behavior of another person, his attitudes, intentions, ideas, assessments, etc. in the process of interaction with him, is revealed. It was found that influence is a direct result of coercion, the action of one subject on others. The positive influence of the development of information technologies in the structure of socio-pedagogical activity is considered. It has been established that the advantages of using information technologies include economic profitability; accessibility and comfort; increasing the level of privacy; reaching a large audience of users; rapid dissemination of information; the possibility of attracting more recipients of social and pedagogical services, maintaining feedback. For a more complete and objective view of the advantages, disadvantages and risks of information influence, the peculiarities of the formation of the information culture of the individual in the conditions of war were analyzed. The interpretation of information culture as an important socio-pedagogical skill of effective use of information is analyzed. The process of informatization of society and relations is characterized. It has been established that the informatization of society is a set of processes occurring in all spheres of society, which is caused by the need to distribute and process a large amount of information.
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