environment, social environment, institution of higher education, students, future social workers, activity, social activity, social work, professional trainingAbstract
The article examines the meaning of the concepts "social environment", "social activity of students" in institutions of higher education. The modern level of social activity in the institution of higher education was revealed. The forms and methods of work for the formation of social activity with students – future specialists in the social sphere have been analyzed and substantiated. The list of necessary conditions for the formation of students, future social workers, the system of theoretical knowledge, practical abilities and skills necessary for the implementation of active behavior and the gradual formation of professional activity is given; development and formation of theoretical knowledge that will contribute to the formation of the student as an active social unit. The purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of the environment of the institution of higher education in the process of professional training of students who are able to solve social problems in their professional activities. Considerable attention is paid to the problems of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the student, based on the analysis, the content of social activity of students in the process of theoretical and practical training is identified and clarified. The key tasks are the following: to identify and generalize the components of social activity as one of the complex forms of transformation of the student's inner world, which occurs in the process of self-movement of a person along his life path, on which the individual knows himself, builds himself, understands the essence of his functioning; to investigate the peculiarities of the social activity of the student's personality development, his professional self-determination. t was revealed that the components of the development of social activity of students can be used in universities, where future specialists of the social sphere are trained, as well as in advanced training courses with the aim of increasing readiness to interact with clients based on mastering a set of knowledge and skills aimed at transforming active learning technologies into real environmental conditions of a higher education institution. Based on the results of the generalized analysis, it was concluded that the effectiveness and expediency of the development of social activity among students has not only general principles of implementation, but also the specifics of a specific future professional activity. The conclusions confirmed the rationale for creating the necessary social conditions in the environment of a higher education institution.
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