youth, protest potential, educational institution, student unions, rallies, volunteeringAbstract
As early as November 17, 1939, Czechoslovak students in Prague showed their civic stance, protesting against the oppression of the German invaders and their occupation policy. Today, the international student day falls on this date, which is no coincidence, since, as will be shown below, the student body itself, as a social group, has an extremely high protest potential. The current article examines the main theoretical and practical approaches to the issue of understanding and rethinking the origins and directions of students' active citizenship. The activity of domestic student unions and organizations during the revolutionary events in Ukraine was described and their influence on the post-Maidan processes was determined. The main emphasis of the article is on identifying opportunities for society and the state created by the activity of student youth. Also, in the course of the study, the issue of challenges and prospects facing students during the fullscale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine was highlighted, in the context of involving them in military service and helping the front and volunteering. The study contributes to a better understanding of students' motivation to demonstrate their active citizenship. The theoretical result of this article was the identification of patterns of interaction between Ukrainian students and other social groups during the revolutionary events in Ukraine and the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation after February 24, 2022. It is the examination of the activity of Ukrainian students from the standpoint of other residents of Ukraine that is an element of the scientific novelty of the work. The practical result of the study is a number of recommendations for more effective use of the active civic position of students for the benefit of Ukrainian society, which will minimize the destructive impact, changing the public's attitude towards this social group to a more favorable and loyal one. The obtained practical results can be used by both public and private educational structures.
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