labor exchange, gender equality, minimum wage, Lunch Break, Social Protection, social partnership, social policyAbstract
Modernization of social policy and social protection systems in the difficult conditions of reforming the country and a full-scale war with an aggressor country is an urgent task. Solving this task is practically impossible without researching the foreign experience of these issues. And first of all, the experience of countries that were in similar conditions. One such country is Great Britain, which during the twentieth century went through several economic crises and came out victorious in two world wars. Practically during a significant part of this period, the prominent politician and state manager Winston Churchill held various public positions in this country. A significant number of publications of various kinds, from extremely negative to extremely positive, are dedicated to Winston Churchill personally and his state activities. At the same time, in most of them, attention is paid to the political and military direction of its activities, and the issues of social initiatives are practically ignored. Thus, his name is not mentioned at all in domestic textbooks and textbooks on the history of social work. At the same time, V. Churchill was the initiator of a significant number of decisions that brought the system of social policy and social protection to a new level, both in Britain itself and in the world as a whole. Among them, we can note: an eight-hour working day, social insurance, ensuring gender equality, improving the conditions of detention in places of execution of punishments, helping people in difficult life circumstances, protecting childhood, starting a social partnership, lunch breaks, establishing a minimum wage, post-war reconstruction, etc. In view of the above, the article analyzes certain aspects of V. Churchill's activities in various positions during the twentieth century, related to the development of the system of social policy and the system of social protection of Great Britain in the specified period. The sources of the research were the publications of both domestic and for eign authors, published during the last decade.
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