volunteer, volunteering, volunteer activity, community, territorial community, de-occupied territorial community, social activity, social cohesion.Abstract
Volunteer activity is critically important for ensuring the sustainable development of de-occupied communities and overcoming the consequences of occupation. The authors of the article present the results of a focus group, the participants of which were residents of the de-occupied communities of Mykolayivska (the cities of Bashtanka, Novy Bug and Kazanka) and Kherson (Velikolexandrivka OTG (villages of Velyka Oleksandrivka, Mala Oleksandrivka, Novodmitrivka, Starosillia, Tyfonivka, Bruskinske); Kalinivska OTG (village Kalinivske)) oblasts. Its holding was made possible thanks to the "Clean and Motivated" project of the All-Ukrainian Community Center "Volunteer", which was supported by the "Capable and Strong" Program of the Eastern Europe Foundation. The participants of the focus group identified a number of problems faced by the residents of the de-occupied communities, namely: restoration of the infrastructure of the territorial community; demining of territories and infrastructure facilities; provision of psychosocial support; economic recovery; low level of leadership of residents; the need to increase social activity and social cohesion. Focus group participants also offered their vision of solving these problems and the role of volunteers in this.
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