bullying, prevention. social prevention, older teenagers, bullying prevention programAbstract
The urgency of preventing bullying is reinforced by the need to implement the provisions of the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Countering Bowling," which emphasize the responsibilities of teachers to protect students during the educational process from any form of physical and mental violence, humiliation of honor and dignity, discrimination on any grounds, propaganda and agitation that harm the health of the student. The purpose of the article is to develop a program of social prevention of bullying among older adolescents. Realization of this goal requires solving the following tasks: 1) to substantiate the essence and types of bullying and its social prevention; 2) to determine the content, forms and methods of social prevention of bullying which would ensure the effectiveness of the developed program. Bullying is defined as harassment, intimidation, violence, abuse, aggression, torture, which are intentional and manifested in prolonged, repeated physical and mental actions by a person or group of persons who have certain physical, administrative, psychological advantages and are committed for a specific purpose: to intimidate, force to confess to something, punish for committing an act. The social prevention of bullying among older adolescents is interpreted as a system of social education measures for 8-9 grade students aimed at creating an optimal social situation for the development of schoolchildren, preventing the occurrence of aggression, harassment, intimidation, abuse and other problems and deviations of personality. The types and tasks of social prevention of bullying are defined according to the object of influence (primary, secondary, tertiary) and the level of consequences for an individual or a group (general, special, individual). The main content areas and a program of social prevention of bullying among older adolescents are proposed. Effective methods of social prevention of bowling include brainstorming, peer-to-peer, analysis of problem/life situations, mini-lectures, and forms of discussion, forum theater, hours of open communication, quests, role-playing games, art installations.
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