social work, social integration, youth with disabilities, student youth, theatrical art, means of theatrical art.Abstract
In the context of Russia's large-scale armed aggression against Ukraine, the role of professionals in the social sector is becoming increasingly significant. Various categories of people require social and pedagogical support, including individuals with disabilities, internally displaced persons, families in difficult life circumstances, and families of military personnel, among others. One of the critical tasks of social and pedagogical work is to identify effective forms and methods for preventive, educational, and corrective interventions with these individuals and families. Providing timely assistance is essential for overcoming stress and facilitating social integration. The integration of theatrical art into the training of future social work professionals can play a pivotal role in optimizing the interaction between individuals and society. The purpose of the article is to characterize the peculiarities of using the means of theatrical art in the training of students majoring in 231 Social Work, to summarize effective forms and methods of teaching. The article analyzes the latest research and publications on the use of theatrical art in the training of students. The role of theater art as an effective tool for the formation of professional competencies of future social work professionals, the development of their communication, emotional and creative skills, the ability to ensure inclusive processes, to identify features and ways to improve the life of children and youth with special needs and disabilities in the social environment is characterized. According to the author of the article, the development of appropriate courses for students' choice will deepen students' knowledge of the possibilities of using theater art in social and pedagogical work, gain new perspectives and tools for solving the problems of vulnerable groups of people, young people with disabilities. According to the author of the article, the development of appropriate courses for student choice will deepen students' knowledge of the possibilities of using theater art in social and pedagogical work, gain new perspectives and tools for solving the problems of vulnerable groups of people, young people with disabilities. The use of media opportunities, interactive forms of learning, involvement of leading experts in guest lectures, practical classes directly at practice sites, field trips, theatrical excursions, group work on the basis of the Center for Practical Training will help to improve the quality of specialist training, the level of reflexivity, and motivation for further self-development.
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