governor, social governor, family, art therapyAbstract
It is stated in the article that the majority of modern women do not want to dedicate themselves exclusively to the family. They are willing to work. The employment and occupation of parents, the desire to give their children good upbringing, to develop their abilities, interests, and women’s desire for self-realization caused the revival of the institution of tutorship and the emergence of a social tutor profession in modern Ukraine. The concepts “tutorship”, “tutor”, “social tutor” and their interpretations are given in the article. It was established that the social tutor is a social educator who carries out individual work with the child in the family for the purpose of child’s social upbringing and development, the formation of a holistic creative personality. The types of tutors are identified. It is proved that the individual approach to the personality requires a creative search for methods and technologies in the tutor’s activity, e.g. various techniques of art therapies. Art activity allows to solve several pedagogical tasks: educational, psychological, therapeutic, developing, and diagnostic. Along with traditional diagnostic methods (observation, survey, conversation, interview), the following art therapies are quite effective: collages on the topics “Such am I”, “My family”, “My family and I”; methods “Family emblem”, “Family genogram”, and mandala art therapy. To diagnose the emotional state of a child of preschool and primary school age, expanding his/her individual emotional sphere, to relax, relieve stress, lift the mood and tone, it is advisable to use the following exercises: “Seven-colour flower”, “My Color Day”, “Colorful Mood”, “Art Minute”, “Let’s draw ourselves”. The techniques of zentangle, doodling, mandala art therapy, which are perfect for both adults and children, will also help to relax, have fun, and show the child’s creative abilities.
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