combat actions, participants of anti-terrorist operation/environmental protection, behavioral reactions, emotional reactions, physical reactions, post-traumatic stress disorderAbstract
The article presents the results of the study of current problems of ATO/OOS participants. Particular attention is paid to the study of the psycho-emotional state of the participants of the ATO/OOS, their typical behavioral, physical, emotional reactions and peculiarities of thinking after returning from the combat zone. The influence of typical reactions of ATO/OOS participants on adaptation to peaceful life and on their family members is characterized. The level of stress and anxiety in the participants of the ATO/OOS and the factors of their occurrence are determined. The essence of post-traumatic stress disorder in ATO/OOS participants is revealed. It is determined that the participants of the ATO/OOS are a special group of recipients of social services, who, of course, are the defenders of our homeland, but also persons whose lives have been significantly affected by hostilities. Due to the prolonged stay in dangerous to life and health conditions, the participants of the ATO/OOS who return home may experience violations of social interaction, isolation, social isolation, loss of interest in family and social life, experiencing negative emotions, emotional instability, increased levels of aggression, irritability, excessive alcohol or other psychotropic substances. Relations between ATO/OOS participants and their immediate environment and social relations are becoming more tense and conflicted. They can cause disputes and conflict situations in the family at work, in transport, in various institutions, where they apply for help in obtaining documents for social status and benefits, obtaining various types of social services. The author sees promising research in this direction in the further disclosure of signs of post-traumatic stress disorder among the participants of the ATO/OOS and identification of ways of social adaptation and rehabilitation of this group of recipients of social services.
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