ethical principles of social work, moral behavior of a social worker, invalidity, children with disabilitiesAbstract
The article substantiates the ethical principles of the social specialist's work with children with disabilities, as one of the integral components of daily activities. Knowledge of the theoretical and legal principles of professional activity contributes to the effective solution of problems, and understanding of norms and principles of social work ethics, their obligatory and creative application in activity helps the social worker to establish cooperation with clients, their relatives, colleagues, with representatives of public, state and non-governmental organizations and institutions and to perform their work professionally. In connection with the integration of Ukraine into the European space, there are changes in the attitude towards people with disabilities. Increasingly, one can face the fact that one of the most acute modern social problems is the state of health of children and youth. The indicators of children's disability are consistently high, which indicates a negative trend of growth in the number of children with psychophysical development, which necessitates various forms of social assistance and support for such children. The organization of social assistance to children who are deprived of the opportunity to lead a full life due to physical disabilities, requires, first of all, a change in society's attitude to children with special needs and the problem of disability in the world and in Ukraine in particular. Due to limitations in communication, self-care, movement, control over their behavior, the development of these children depends on meeting their needs by other people, which is a multifaceted process of social rehabilitation. Education, psychological and pedagogical influence on the individual are tools for solving one of the main problems in public and state policy for children with disabilities – their social rehabilitation, adaptation and integration into society. Social workers give priority to a “social” approach to the problem, rather than a “medical” one, which affects the content and quality of measures aimed at reducing the negative effects of “disability”.
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