social partnership, tripartism, national tripartite serviceAbstract
The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to study the foreign experience of the functioning of national tripartite social partnership bodies in developed countries in order to increase the efficiency of the national tripartite socio-economic council. The results of the analysis. The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the functioning of national tripartite social partnership bodies in developed countries: Germany, France, Sweden, Poland, Latvia, Finland, Japan, etc.… Differences and advantages of national tripartite social partnership bodies of these countries. The priority directions of increase of efficiency of activity of national (Ukrainian) tripartite social and economic council are offered. Formed their own understanding of the concept of “social partnership” – a system of relationships and cooperation between employees (trade union organizations), on the one hand, employers and their organizations – on the other, the state and local authorities – on the third, in order to reach agreement, joint decisions, concluding agreements, implementing concerted actions, forming a social compromise in the areas of pay and working conditions, preventing strikes and reconciling the parties to existing conflict situations, while adhering to the culture of partnership. This definition differs from the opinion of other authors and is of particular importance because, first, it defines social partnership in the field of social and labor relations, specifies the aspects of partnership and their goals; secondly, it determines it comprehensively, taking into account the characteristics of the subjects, the principles of their interaction, the forms of coexistence; third, it takes into account the culture of partnership; fourth, it indicates the areas in which social compromise should be reached. Conclusions and directions for future research. An analysis of the experience of European countries, the need for Ukrainian social partners to adopt from foreign colleagues progressive achievements: in Germany – high executive discipline and the degree of implementation of agreements at all levels; in France, state initiative in the negotiation process and clear legal regulation of the rights and obligations of the parties to the social partnership, as well as the minimum guarantees that they must provide; in Sweden, the activities of the Labor Court, which is a revolutionary step towards resolving labor disputes; in Japan – the practice of life hiring, the attitude to the employee as the most profitable investment; in Poland, the right of employers and trade unions to take the legislative initiative, the requirement for the social partners to confirm their representative status; in Latvia, it is obligatory to implement the decisions made by the social partnership council.
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