internally displaced persons, sychological well-being, psychological culture, psychological stability, self-regulation, self-organization, communicative competenciesAbstract
The aim of the article is a theoretical analysis of psychological well-being in terms of psychological culture of internally displaced persons of health workers. In our opinion, there is a strong link between “psychological well-being” and “psychological culture”. To understand “psychological well-being” we will consider it through the concept of “psychological culture” as one of its constructs. The theoretical study of the psychological culture of internally displaced physicians in terms of psychological wellbeing of the individual allowed us to develop schemes-models of parameters and components of psychological culture. This was done by us in two stages. At the first stage, we considered psychological culture in general theoretical terms, within the framework of general psychological approaches. At the second stage – in the application for solving sociopsychological problems for the adaptation of internally displaced persons, health workers. For the first time, a significant relationship was established between the level of psychological culture and the subjective factor – psychological well-being. It is investigated that the psychological factor studies the structural and functional components. The most important personal constructs are subject to transformation, such as psychological well-being, which is understood in modern science as a harmonious mental process that provides a sense of integrity, inner balance. To identify the most objective picture of psychological well-being, it is necessary to understand the conditions in which a person finds himself. The complexity of social and psychological features of conflict have a particularly strong impact on people and their rethinking of psychological well-being is a kind of indicator of how they relate to the environment and how they predict their life prospects, what are the prospects for their personal resources. The article for the first time considers psychological well-being in the aspect of psychological culture of internally displaced persons of medical workers. The main structural parameters of psychological culture were clarified, the main components of psychological culture were identified. The concept of psychological stability, mechanisms of self-regulation and self-organization of internally displaced physicians, forms and methods of communication were considered. The great importance of the communicative competence of medical migrants in the successful realization of the psychological wellbeing of the individual is revealed.
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