social responsibility, consumer-oriented packaging, social and ethical marketingAbstract
The aim of the article is to study the impact of packaging on decision-making regarding the purchase of goods by consumers depending on its characteristics within the concept of socio-ethical marketing. This article examines the theoretical aspects and compositional elements of consumer-oriented packaging. Consideration is given to ways in which social and ethical marketing differ from and/or are superior to classical marketing patterns. The influence on consumer purchasing patterns exerted by product packaging material, design, ergonomics, exclusivity, and informational content is investigated. Top-priority areas for developing consumer-oriented packaging in terms of social and ethical marketing are suggested, as well as measures utilizing it. It was pointed out that domestic manufacturers need to be legally obligated to allocate funds for the utilization and recycling of packaging, and that a system of incentives and compensations should be offered to companies which have production patterns that avoid wastage. It is advisable to set up institutional support for the collection and recycling of product packaging at both the national and local levels. The distinction between the concepts of social and ethical marketing and social responsibility is shown. An overview is created with respect to the whole category of social and ethical marketing. It is seen as a systematic and focused activity aimed at increasing sales volumes and improving the business image of a company by meeting the general needs of consumers, incorporating the costs of these initiatives into the price of the goods. Prospects for further research can be seen in the analysis of the shares of social and ethical marketing organisations and the development of a methodology for making them socially and economically effective.
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