persons in need of temporary protection, social assistance, financial assistance, legal assistance, psychological assistance, medical care, intersectoral interaction.Abstract
The article reveals the essence of the concept of «persons in need of temporary protection» and defines their legal status. Persons in need of temporary protection are foreigners and stateless persons who are forced to seek protection en masse in a particular country. It has been determined that due to forced movement abroad, persons are in a particularly vulnerable state and need temporary protection, as they have been forced to change their permanent place of residence, usual circle of friends, place of work and their whole life. The condition of people who are forced to seek temporary protection in other parts of the world is accompanied by intense emotional experiences, a state of shock, the greatest stress associated with being in conditions that threaten the life of a person or his loved ones. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the legal legislation of the Republic of Poland, the activities of state and non-governmental organizations to assist citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict. It is determined that comprehensive social assistance is provided to persons in need of temporary protection by strengthening intersectoral cooperation between representatives of the public, public and business sectors, as well as the media. The peculiarities of providing social assistance to persons in need of temporary protection in the Republic of Poland are determined and its types are characterized, namely: informational, legal, psychological, socio-pedagogical, medical assistance and assistance in finding work and housing. Prospects for further research are seen in the further identified features and analysis of the state of social assistance to persons in need of temporary protection abroad. Also in the implementation of comparative characteristics of types of social assistance to this group of recipients of social services in different countries.
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