project, social design, pedagogical design, social-pedagogical designAbstract
The article analyzes various definitions of the essence and content of the concepts of "social design", "pedagogical design" and "social-pedagogical design", identifies the most well-known approaches to their interpretation. The study deals with topical issues of the educational process aimed at the implementation of social-pedagogical design in higher education institutions. In particular the main requirements are summarized for the design of the educational environment of higher education institutions in general and the professional training of future teachers. The article notes that the concept of "project" appeared in the scientific literature, is interpreted as a "technical project", "public project", "project of social order". The formation of design takes place within the framework of engineering activities. This is due to the need to transfer the graphic image by the engineer to production. Again, the purely technical properties of social design of that time are tracked. At that time, the concept of social engineering is more common. In fact, social design is separated from technical and at the stage of development absorbs the properties and features of planning, forecasting and design. The development of social design begins since the middle of XX century. Scientists interpret the essence of the concept of "design" differently, and there is no single accepted definition. But the leading idea of many definitions is that design is the creation of an image of the desired future. Social design is the construction by an individual, group or organization of an action aimed at achieving a socially significant goal that is localized in place, time and resources. The essence of social design is to design the desired states of the future. Social design can be considered as innovation activity, since it involves clearly designed actions localized in time, place and resources. There are certain differences between social and educational projects are noted. Unlike social projects aimed at transforming and improving society, social relations and processes, the pedagogical project is focused on solving the problems of education and upbringing. But this happens in its pure form. When goals and problems are combined, social and pedagogical design arises. Its objects are: social-cultural environment (creation of a favorable sociocultural space and optimization of conditions for self-development of the individual, social group, territory as a whole); lifestyle (support of certain types and directions of activity of the individual, which contribute to the growth of quality indicators of life); spheres of personality life (educational, educational, production, sports, information, etc.). Therefore, the social-pedagogical project is a constructed social innovation, the purpose of which is to improve pedagogical processes (development, education, upbringing, social formation of the individual) in certain sociocultural conditions. The conclusion is substantiated based on the theoretical analysis of scientific literature, that socio-pedagogical design is a preliminary purposeful definition and design of the program of activities of the subjects of the pedagogical process in their interaction, as well as the further implementation of this program aimed at providing a personal-development approach to education and training. Prospects for further scientific research are seen in identifying topical problems of using social and pedagogical design.
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