skills, universal skills, soft skills, hard skills, creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, interactive technologies, elementary school studentsAbstract
The article analyzes the skills that modern school graduates should possess, explores the concepts of soft skills and hard skills. Soft skills include adaptability in changing life situations, independence and critical thinking, the ability to see, formulate a problem and find ways to solve it rationally, awareness of where and how the acquired knowledge can be used in the environment, their practical application, able to generate new ideas, think creatively, be able to work with information, be sociable, be able to work in a team, be able to work independently on the development of their own intelligence, their cultural level. The abilities of "4 K" are considered as a priority area of soft skills formation in Ukrainian language lessons in primary school, such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration. The potential of the skill "creativity" for students and teachers is outlined. Creativity in Ukrainian language and reading lessons in primary school can be enhanced by using cognitive exercises such as brainstorming (finding ideas quickly) and finding the true nature of the problem. Critical thinking of students is the most necessary skill of the future, which consists of systematic analysis, analysis of arguments, creative process and evaluation of the results. It is also called "directed thinking" because it is aimed at obtaining the desired result. The components of critical thinking are information as a starting point for critical thinking, asking questions and clarifying problems, independent thinking, convincing argumentation: statements, proofs, evidence, basis, social thinking. Communication as a promising ability to form soft skills in primary school lessons has oral and written forms of implementation. The ability to collaborate trains students’ ability to collaborate and achieve results in teamwork. Interactive technologies are considered as ways of forming soft skills in primary school students.
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